Things to Add To Your Bathroom Remodeling Checklist


Investing in a bathroom remodel can be a worthwhile experience, adding value to your home and creating a more suitable place for your family to use and enjoy. However, the project becomes much less enjoyable if there are constant headaches to worry about. Give yourself a break from the stressors of bathroom remodeling by writing a checklist of all the things you wish to be done during the process. Here are a few things you should incorporate into your list, though they can be modified depending on your specific project.

Ensure Permits Are In Order

Before beginning the giant overhaul of your bathroom living space, it’s important that you get the necessary permits cleared in advance. While your design ideas and layouts all make perfect sense to you, verifying that they’re possible with the city is a mandatory step to doing a bathroom remodel right.


Start With Walls and Floors

This might seem like a no-brainer, but having your contractors finish all the wall and floor work first is vital to getting your bathroom remodeling project done right. After all, changes in the walls or taking one out altogether is a significant step, while adjustments in flooring may require potential plumbing or electrical changes that need to be addressed ahead of time.


Have All Plumbing and Electrical Work Installed Professionally

The majority of a proper bathroom remodel should be handled by professional contractors if you’re hoping for it all to be installed and completed accurately. However, calling on the help of experts for plumbing and electrical work is an absolute must. Avoid any future hazards, or potential dangers to yourself, by letting experienced technicians take over in these areas.


There are many moving parts that are involved in bathroom remodeling, so creating and sticking to a remodel checklist helps you get through the process more efficiently. Be sure to add these items before anything else as must-haves for completing your project correctly.